
Тайваньские производители объединились в Лигу электронного чтения. Для чего?

After the Executive Yuan included e-book into the cultural and creative department as one of the six emerging industries, Ministry of Economic Affairs stepped up the efforts today. As the Taipei Computer Association took the lead, Acer, Quanta, Acer Communications and Dentsu also joined more than 200 enterprises in the “Electronic Reading Industry League with the fist to establish a common e-book format. Du Zi-jun, Secretary of Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs noted that first we should take the EPUB format into circumspect consideration to follow the international standard.

Тайвань со следующего года внедряет в школы букридеры

Taiwan Plans to Roll out E-readers in Schools - PC World Taiwan’s Ministry of Education plans to offer e-readers to schoolkids on the island next year as part of efforts to further digitize schools and promote reading. The e-readers are part of a five-year, NT$50 billion (US$1.55 billion) budget earmarked for information technology in classrooms. Currently the ministry is reviewing designs for e-readers and doesn’t yet know how many it will purchase for next year, a representative said.

Господдержка производства букридеров. Тайвань

Taiwan government aims at 80% global market share for Taiwan-made e-book readers in 2013 Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) will be implementing a 5-year project with a total budget of NT$2.134 billion (US$65 million) to boost development of digital publication industries in Taiwan, with the goal being to make Taiwan-produced e-book readers reach a global market share of 80% with sales of NT$50 billion in 2013, according to the agency.