Конец 2010 года: цветной букридер с видео от Qualcomm

Qualcomm mirasol color video ebook readers to ship in 2010 - SlashGear

Qualcomm Mirasol ebook reader prototype 14 351x500 Ebook readers are arguably coming of age, but don’t assume e-ink – and the push to produce color e-ink panels – have won the game quite yet. SlashGear met up with Qualcomm’s mirasol team today to discuss their latest display news, and while you might remember the technology from their early 1.1-inch single-color panels, they’re now showing off a 5.7-inch display capable of full color and video playback, with minimal impact on battery life. They’ve set themselves the target of having color ebook readers with mirasol panels on the market by the latter part of 2010, and are working with OEMs now to achieve that.