Директор Hachette считает, что $10 за электронную книгу и Google убьют традиционное книгоиздание

World’s Second Largest Publisher: $9.99 eBooks Will Kill Hardcover Books

Arnaud Nourry, the CEO of the world’s second largest book publisher, Hachette Livre, says that the current pricing trends for eBooks may soon kill the hardcover book as we know it. In an interview with the Financial Times, Nourry says that he worries that the combination of the $9.99 price for bestsellers and the fact that Google now offers millions of out-of-copyright books for free could destroy profits for traditional publishing houses. Nourry is especially worried about the fact that Amazon is currently selling eBooks at a loss and that the company will soon demand that publishers will lower their prices so that it can actually make a profit from selling eBooks in its Kindle store.