Директор Hachette считает, что $10 за электронную книгу и Google убьют традиционное книгоиздание

World’s Second Largest Publisher: $9.99 eBooks Will Kill Hardcover Books Arnaud Nourry, the CEO of the world’s second largest book publisher, Hachette Livre, says that the current pricing trends for eBooks may soon kill the hardcover book as we know it. In an interview with the Financial Times, Nourry says that he worries that the combination of the $9.99 price for bestsellers and the fact that Google now offers millions of out-of-copyright books for free could destroy profits for traditional publishing houses.

Не TOC, но сходить стоит

КНИГАБАЙТ . О проекте Приглашаем вас к участию в осенней выставке-конференции электронного книгоиздания КНИГАБАЙТ, которая пройдет в пространстве 22 Московской международной книжной выставки-ярмарки на ВВЦ в новом павильоне № 75 со 2 по 7 сентября 2009 года.

1000000 книг в формате epub

Inside Google Books: Download Over a Million Public Domain Books from Google Books in the Open EPUB Format Google Books will offer free downloads of these and more than one million more public domain books in an additional format, EPUB. Google сделал доступным около 1 млн оцифрованных ею книг в формате epub (и в pdf). Радоваться смогут не только пользователи Sony Reader. Кажется, пока это самая большая «библиотека» книг в этом формате.

Новый 7" и беспроводной Sony Reader - в декабре

Sony Unveils Three Would-Be Kindle Killers—Pocket, Touch and Now, 3G Wireless With AT&T | paidContent Sony’s Daily Edition, a 3G powered wireless device meant to go head to head with Kindle. Will ship this December for $399. В Рождество начнутся продажи нового Sony Reader - Daily Edition: 7-дюймовый экран (кажется, все же маловат для газет) и беспроводная 3G-связь (в США - через AT&T). $399

Продажи электронных книг в Китае

Kindling e-book Fever in China Jo Lusby, General Manager of Penguin China, sees a growing interest. “E-book sales in China reached more than Rmb200 million last year and we are spending a great deal at Penguin at the moment on digitising our back catalogue. “We have more than 4,000 titles available at present, including our popular DK range. At least 60 per cent of our catalogue is informative, non-fiction titles.

Как превращаются в издателя электронных книг

Does Digital Cannibalize Print? Not Yet. - Tools of Change for Publishing Over the past 18 months, we’ve gone from print outselling digital by more than 2:1 to just the opposite. За последние полтора года издательство соотношение проданных O’Reilly бумажных и электронных книг 2:1 изменилось на противоположное.

Новости от Sony: снижение цен на букридеры и электронные книги

Sony Cuts Prices on E-Books and Unveils Readers - NYTimes.com Sony Electronics plans to announce on Tuesday that it is lowering prices for new and bestselling books in its e-book store, to $9.99 from $11.99. Sony is also introducing two new electronic reading devices: the Reader Pocket Edition and Reader Touch Edition. They will sell for $199 and $299 respectively and will go on sale at the end of August.

Sigil - новый редактор для формата ePub

Sigil, the ePub editor - MobileRead Forums # Free and open source software under GPLv3 # Multi-platform: runs on Windows, Linux and Mac # Full Unicode support: everything you see in Sigil is in UTF-16 # Full EPUB spec support # WYSIWYG editing # Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Split View # Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each # Table Of Contents editor # Multi-level TOC support # Book View fully supports the display any XHTML document possible under the OPS spec # SVG support # Basic XPGT support # Advanced automatic conversion of all imported documents to Unicode # Currently imports TXT, HTML and EPUB files; more will be added with time # Currently exports EPUB and SGF (Sigil native format); more will be added with time # Embedded HTML Tidy; all imported documents are thoroughly cleaned; changing views cleans the document so no matter how much you screw up your code, it will fix it (usually ) # An actually usable user interface # Native C++ application # Bugs # And a lot more…